How a tradition is born: An animist celebration of the Solstice in a Romanian Forest gives birth to a new microculture that has its own calendar.
Kosmo Kalindar 2022 — Launching Event
An official introduction to the beautifully designed calendar for 2022 >> round, lunar, solar, and alchemical << that we call the Kosmo Kalindar, or just Kalindar. Greetings from the Past, Present and Future! TLDR — What to expect: // A dedicated space and time to show you a really cool calendar. // // There will […]
Looking for a robot to solve the problem of time
So we’ve been designing the Kosmokalindar since 2014. For the first three the names of the months were in archaic Romanian. Now we go latin. The 2017 kosmokalindar was a collaboration with an incredible illustrator of phantasy, Mona Babescu. It was clearly a “guest” edition, the only calendar until now where we adapted one of […]